Northeast Corridor


Published 2021-07-29 06:00

No pretzel logic is required to understand that Steely Dan will be embarking on a new series of tour dates this fall along the east coast in the US, aptly named "The Absolutely Normal Tour", which is destined to give us some slinky grooves in our seats and epic merch. Beginning on October 5th in Miami and somehow snubbing their beloved Beacon Theatre, the band will make their way up the Atlantic before ending in Boston on November 20th. Donald Fagen, who most recently told Rolling Stone that he was 'hangin’ tight in the Apple, baby, gargling Clorox under a sunlamp' amid the coronavirus pandemic, will also be releasing 2 new live albums to coincide with the tour: "Northeast Corridor" and "The Nightfly Live", the later of which was Fagen’s debut solo album from 1982. Those albums, available September 24th, 2021, serve as the first time Steely Dan will release any live offerings in 25 years. Glad they did it again.....