Album Of The Week


Published 2023-10-17 06:00

"Steve Yanek har jag knappt hört talas om tidigare. Likväl överraskar han stort på nya 'September', passande musik och skivtitel, och musik som träffar lika säkert som en MoDo-puck bakom motståndarmålet i vinter. Det är toner som låter varma och harmoniska, och som borde nå ut till alla som tycker om musik av typen Jackson Browne, Warren Zevon, James Taylor och Eagles. För att nu nämna några artister som spelar i samma division. Sammantaget vilken förlust för mig, eftersom jag har missat den Ohio-födda musikantens tidigare skivor."

- Torbjörn Berlin / Berlin Calling -

"Steve Yanek har här verkligen skapat en briljant samling sånger som ger tillvaron en större skönhet och bredare tillvaro att röra sig i de musikaliska landskapen. Tack för just musik som berör hjärtat."

- MIcheles Kindh / Blaskan -

"Så kom den då, Steve Yaneks 3:e efterlängtade album, och som den multiinstrumentalist han är, har han gjort allt själv med ett lyckat resultat. Det måste ju vara ett privilegium att dela med sig av sina livserfarenheter och känslor sittande själv i sin studio och komponera."

- Börje Holmén / Musikbloggen 67 -

"The new album 'September' is a collection of 10 songs written by Steve Yanek over an 18 month period during the pandemic. With lockdown in full swing new songs began flowing, while inspired by both major upgrades to his home studio and encouraged by Jeff Pevar, Steve Yanek began the task of recording these new songs by playing all of the instruments himself."

- Kenneth Bremer / Blue Desert -

"Titled for the month he was born and written during the pandemic and lockdown, this is an entirely one man album by Steve Yanek, inspired by Paul McCartney and Emitt Rhodes, the 'one man Beatle', to whom it is dedicated, playing everything himself, the songs 'personal takes on life, love, and survival', its 70s country folk rock shades echoing the likes of Jackson Browne, The Eagles and Neil Young. To paraphrase Thoreau, you really should happily bask in this warm 'September' sun."

- Mike Davies / Fatea Magazine -

"Steve Yanek fills the new CD with one tailored tune after another. The man is prolific and it’s a shame that Emitt Rhodes never had a chance to meet him. It’s not easy to write a song with grace and power. It’s almost a contradiction but that’s what makes these tunes attractive. Yanek manages a lilting piano line perfectly. 'Losing You', is exceptional and 'Count Every Moment' is a McCartney exponent. In melodies like these, even if you’re not familiar, they have a familiarity that carries you along comfortably. Steve is an original who’s just someone carrying on a tradition respectful of someone who wasn’t capable of sustaining it."

- John Apice / Americana Highways -

"US singer songwriter Steve Yanek delivers a new album titled 'September', which arrived at my desk just a few days after September ended. The music is calmer singer songwriter meets americana pop rock in the Tom Petty meets Jackson Browne style and Steve did everything on his own here in 18 months’ time. Steve’s music has been reviewed a few times in the past, and he continues to deliver quality singer songwriter americana pop and rock music. The uptempo pieces such as 'Begin Again' and 'I Could Use A Little Rain', as well as the midtempo westcoast aor pop rocker 'Count Every Moment' are the best songs that need to be checked first."

- Gabor Kleinbloesem / Strutterzine -

"Exactly one year after the release of his success record ‘Long Overdue’, US folk rocker Steve Yanek has recorded 10 self penned songs for the album ‘September’. They were all composed during the far too long lockdown period due to the covid19 crisis. He also has been playing on all instruments, did the recording in his own studio and acted as the album producer.“

- Valére Sampermans / Rootstime -

More about Steve Yanek